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Leadership Training
Health Education
That Produces

It is wrong for the future leaders of the next generation to remain undeveloped.

People all over the world feel less than​, invisible, misjudged, and underestimated.


They live their lives feeling empty, insignificant, and unfulfilled. I provide inspiration and training that makes them world changers.

Values That Shape My Life

Values guide our lives as they are explored and become more focused. I hold these 3 C's up to everything I do!


Courage, maybe even daring, is how we push through fear and doubt to accomplish our goals!


Clarity comes as we discover who we are and lean into the talents and abilities we have to live out a life filled with purpose.


Commitment is the magic that happens as a result of finding courage and clarity!



Undeveloped leaders live with a lot of frustration and regret. I would know...


Serving as a nurse, midwife, and educator for many years without formal leadership training, I didn’t live up to my potential.


To be honest, I never imagined myself as a leader, and I intentionally avoided it!


What I learned about leadership was through trial and error.


I failed miserably.


I missed countless opportunities.


And I needlessly damaged relationships.

How World-Changers Are Made

With leadership and training people who are timid, shy, and live shrinking from life become thriving, confident, change-makers!

Image by Markus Frieauff

Dental, Vision, Hearing, and Growth Screens

Children need to have healthy bodies in order to learn and grow. By screening for common issues, proper help can be administered. This gives them the best chance physically to succeed.

Image by CDC

Communication Strategies

Verbal communication skills are declining as the world is more and more engrossed in technology. Communication skills are essential to success in EVERY area of life! The Maxwell DISC program guides this training.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Leadership Training

"Everyone deserves to be led well."

John Maxwell

Utilizing self-reflection, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and goal-setting are all components of leadership skills training.



People of every age all over the world lack the skills and attitudes necessary to exact growth and change in their lives. They fail to reach their full potential, miss opportunities to make a difference, and deprive the world of their talents and abilities.


This results in complacency, lack of purpose, and hopelessness.


They live their lives feeling empty, insignificant, and unfulfilled.


My heart burns to see a world where everyone is a leader!


This maximizes their potential and inspires them to use their influence as individuals, parents, and leaders. 


Empowered, they drive change throughout their lives and around the globe!


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