Pat Riley, President of the Miami Heat said, "Being ready isn't enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change."
Although mindset may be a part of a successful person's journey, without the grueling work of focus and discipline to prepare for a task or a change, one merely has good intentions. Good intentions alone never amount to much.
Focus comes when one decides to put those good intentions into a plan for action. With this future goal in place and specific steps along the way to achieve, another level of investment is required.
Discipline. Merriam-Webster defines discipline this way--to impose order upon. In order to reach the future goal you have dreamed of, you must make daily choices and create daily habits that will feed into that goal. Whether you feel like it or not; whether others approve or not; whether you see certain progress or not.
Every single day the choice to maintain focus and discipline your life is like gathering fire wood. A little stick here, a bigger stick there, waiting for them to dry out and be suitable for burning, and gathering them into a pile.
Before you know it, someone comes along with the very spark that's necessary for your life to be set ablaze and burn with passion and pupose!
Don't give up, dear friend. Keep gathering that wood. The fire is coming!
Before you know it, someone comes along with the very spark that's necessary for your life to be set ablaze and burn with passion and pupose!
I like to believe that the most powerful people in our lives, we haven't met yet!